The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

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Bedenham Primary School
Bridgemary Avenue
PO13 0XT
Tel No: 01329 280445

Holbrook Primary School
Wych Lane
PO13 0JN
Tel: 01329 286011

The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

Welcome to our schools! We hope that you find our website easy to navigate and that you find the information that you are looking for. If you would like to find out more about our schools, please contact the school offices.

  1. Safeguarding

Safeguarding and Child Protection

We take the safety of our children very seriously. We make every effort to provide a safe and welcoming environment underpinned by a culture of openness where both children and adults feel secure, able to talk and believe that they are being listened to. We have clear policies in place to support our safeguarding practice and maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”.

*Our policies will be updated to reflect the new Safeguarding Leads (as below) in September 2024.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL):

At Bedenham Primary School, the DSL is Laura Gibbs (Head of School)

The Deputy DSLs are Sharon Freeley (Executive Headteacher), Sue Edwards (Home School Link Worker), and Jo Richards (SENDCo)

At Holbrook Primary School, the DSL is Penny Davies (Head of School)

The Deputy DSLs are Sharon Freeley (Executive Headteacher), Leanne East (Home School Link Worker), Lucie Golding (SENDCo/Senior Mental Health Lead) and Sasha Dawkins (ELSA)

Sian Moore is our Nominated Safeguarding Governor for both schools.

If you have a concern regarding the safety and well-being of children please:

  • Listen, Reassure, Support.
  • Never stop a child but don't push them to tell you more than they wish.
  • Do not promise confidentiality - make it clear that you need to pass on information to those who may be able to help.
  • Write an account of the conversation immediately, as close to verbatim as possible.
  • Put the date and timings on the record, sign it, and give it to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) as soon as reasonably possible.  

Further Support:

The Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership co-ordinates and ensures the effectiveness of their member agencies in safeguarding children. Keeping children safe is everybody's responsibility. The HSCP website brings together information for children, parents and carers and practitioners who work with children and families. Click here for information and support regarding a range of issues surrounding children today.

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you, or a child you know, online? CEOPS can offer advice and support. Click here to find links to find a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safe from child sexual exploitation.

Tuesday 6th February is Safer Internet Day (but these resources are useful every day!).  Please click here for a useful document detailing links for further information to support families with Internet Safety at home.